All our subscribers and exchange partners can donwload Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sec. Math. Vol. LXV., 2022 here


István Faragó, Eszter Sikolya:   Ádám Besenyei (1982–2022) 3– 8
Paul Erdős, David P. Galvin, Fred Galvin, Michael M. Krieger:    Factoring complete graphs and hypergraphs into factors with few maximal cliques 9– 30
Takashi Noiri, Valeriu Popa:    A generalization of ⋆(α)  -continuous multifunctions 31– 42
Béla Jónás:    Distribution of rooks on a chess-board representing a Latin square partitioned by a subsystem  43– 68
Saharon Shelah:    Black boxes 69–130