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Noiri, T., Vijayabharathi, V., Rajesh, N.: Mixed generalized closed sets 3– 8
Noiri, T., Vijayabharathi, V., Rajesh, N.: Mixed separation axioms 9– 17
Mondal, A.: Some curves on three dimensional Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds 19– 29
Caldas, M., Ganster, M., Jafari, S., Noiri, T., Popa, V., Rajesh, N.:Preopen sets in ideal generalized topological spaces 31– 42
Mirmiran, M., Naderi, B.: Insertion of a contra-γ  -continuous function 43– 54
Böröczky, K. J., Kovács, Á.: The isoperimetric problem for 3-polytopes with six vertices 55– 67
Noiri, T., Popa, V.: Generalizations of closed sets in minimal spaces with hereditary classes 69– 83
Jafari, S., Rajesh N., Saranya, R.: On faintly I -continuous functions 85– 92
Sokvári, O.: Patterns of k  th power-free numbers 93– 99
Rajesh, N., Sundari, P. G., Sinthiya, V. H.: Properties of pre-I -irresolute multifunctions 101–110
Jafari, S., Parimala, M., Murali, S.: Nano ideal generalized closed sets in nano ideal topological spaces 111–119
Al-omari, A., Noiri, T.: Generalizations of regular and normal spaces 121–135
Danchev, P. V.: Strongly π  -exchange and very π  -exchange rings 137–143
Danchev, P. V.: Unit groups of weakly nil-clean rings 145–151